How to Extract Time In/Out in the Online Log Book

Hello Dear Teachers. This is a short video tutorial on how you will extract your log in/out details in our Online Log Book. Click the link to watch. 

Video Tutorial

Sorry for the quality of the video.

LPNHS Opening of School Year 2020-2021 Narrative Report

Day 1 – October 5, 2020

The opening of school year 2020-2021 started with Flag Raising Ceremony (FRC) hosted by Ms. Shella Mie M. Duron, Teacher I. It was attended by nine (9) school personnel who are in skeleton workforce (SWF) alternative work arrangement (AWA). The FRC was conducted at around 7:30 in the morning at Lun Padidu Central Elementary School (LPCES) - our temporary shelter since our school was used as isolation facility. Mr. Ronald G. Evangelio, Assistant to the Principal, gave the welcome message and declared the formal opening of the school year 2020-2021.