LPNHS Opening of School Year 2020-2021 Narrative Report

Day 1 – October 5, 2020

The opening of school year 2020-2021 started with Flag Raising Ceremony (FRC) hosted by Ms. Shella Mie M. Duron, Teacher I. It was attended by nine (9) school personnel who are in skeleton workforce (SWF) alternative work arrangement (AWA). The FRC was conducted at around 7:30 in the morning at Lun Padidu Central Elementary School (LPCES) - our temporary shelter since our school was used as isolation facility. Mr. Ronald G. Evangelio, Assistant to the Principal, gave the welcome message and declared the formal opening of the school year 2020-2021. 

        As early as 6:30 in the morning, the module distribution in-charge already went to their areas of responsibility. As planned, the distribution should be on October 1-2; however, it was moved to October 5-6 due to contact tracing done by our Local Government Unit (LGU) after our Municipal Mayor Jun Sumbo was tested positive with Covid-19.

There are three groups in-charge in the distribution of modules. Each group was assigned to a cluster of purok where our learners resided. To avoid mass gathering, the school personnel instructed the parents to place a chair indicating the name of the learner, grade, section, and name of the adviser outside their homes, where the distribution team could read it clearly within ten-meter distance.

For Group 1, there were five teachers and one school staff. They used two vehicles. In Group 2, there were three teachers and one school staff. They were also accompanied by five frontline personnel coming from the Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) of Lun Padidu. The third group, which catered learners from the neighboring barangays, was stationed in the former Reyal Roasted Chicken Store in front of the National Highway.

        Mr. Evangelio conducted site monitoring of the distribution of modules of the three groups.

        At 2:00 in the afternoon, a faculty meeting via Zoom was conducted to tackle issues and concerns regarding the distribution of the modules. Among the issues gathered were: (1) some learners did not receive their modules yet; (2) other learners were claiming modules but their names were not in the masterlist; (3) several puroks were unable to reach as scheduled. There were other issues and concerns being raised but they were addressed and handled by the teachers well.

Here are our MOVs.

FIRST DAY HIGH. The SWF of Lun Padidu NHS attends the first Flag Raising Ceremony for SY 2020-2021.

MODULE EXPRESS. Teachers assign in Cluster 2 gear up for module distribution.

BUSY AS A BEE. Teachers on SWF-AWA are sorting modules for delivery.

IN SOLITUDE. This chair awaits the module of its owner to be delivered by the teacher.

Written by: Ruel A. Cervantes
Edited by: Christine Mae C. Villanueva
Photos: Richard H. Gariando, Shella Mie M. Duron, Sol S. Bigtasin, Ann Mary Beth L. Millona